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Valmont Irrigation testimonials - what growers say

What Growers Say

About Valley® Products and Dealers

What Growers Say

Dennis Bragg

“When you’re running a pivot and you have a problem, you need it fixed today. We have a very responsive local dealership and their service is second to none.”

What Growers Say - Valley Center Pivots

Lane Newman

“When it’s hot and watering is critical, it’s very important that you have a solid machine and sound replacement parts. When we require more pivots in the future, we plan to buy Valley.”

What Growers Say - Valley Corners, Benders, DropSpan

Bill Otto

As the saying goes, ‘you get way you pay for.’ With Valley, that is very true.You shouldn’t have to worry if you’re equipment is going to run or not. This is not something you worry about when you have Valley equipment, and that includes your corners.”

What Growers Say - Valley Gearbox

David Drouhard

“My 1974 Valley machine is still working. And more than half of the gearboxes on it are original and working well! We put quite a few hours on our equipment each year – over 2,000 in a year – and we have no problems, really.”

Your Local Valley Dealer

Only your local Valley dealer can give you the best advice on which irrigation equipment and options are the best fit for you. Find your dealer today!