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News from Valmont® Irrigation

AgSense, a Smart Irrigation Solution from Valley, Launches Updated Version of Industry-Leading Remote Irrigation App

VALLEY, Neb. (July 17, 2018) – AgSense®, the industry-leading remote agricultural management technology from Valley®, recently launched an updated, improved version of the AgSense mobile app. The enhancements give growers increased ability to remotely monitor and control their entire irrigation operation from anywhere, at any time.

“The updated app offers new options for even more precise control of devices, simplified graphics and navigation improvements,” says Terry Schiltz, Chief Technology Officer for Valley Irrigation. “These enhancements were developed to make remote pivot monitoring and control a much more user-friendly experience.”

The AgSense mobile app now offers a simplified, cohesive experience, with the addition of many intuitive features previously only available on the website interface, including:
• Groups – Multiple AgSense devices can be sorted into Groups, making it easier than ever to set up an irrigation schedule for all devices within a group.
• Timed Commands – New graphics and more control options for editing a device’s irrigation schedule with a single tap of the screen.
• GPS Enhancements – Growers can now set angles for Stop-In-Slots, End Gun Tables and Speed Tables with GPS pinpoint precision.
• Track water usage simply – The new “Yearly Allotment” graphic was added to improve tracking of a pivot’s water usage throughout an irrigation season.
• Monitor Weather – The main Login screen received the addition of a “Demo Weather” button that will take users to a site showing data collected by AgSense Weather Stations at AgSense dealerships.

“These enhancements solidify our market position as the most intelligent, user-friendly remote ag management software in the entire industry,” says Schiltz. “It keeps growers connected to every aspect of their farm, and offers hard data in real time to help them make the most informed decisions possible.”

The AgSense mobile app is available on Google Play (v1.19) and on the Apple App Store (v1.19).

AgSense Farmer in Field AgSense App

About Valley Irrigation
Valley Irrigation founded the center pivot irrigation industry in 1954, and our brand is the worldwide leader in sales, service, quality and innovation. With historical sales of more than 200,000 center pivots and linears, Valmont-built equipment annually irrigates approximately 25 million acres (10 million hectares) around the world. We remain dedicated to providing innovative precision irrigation solutions now and into the future.