Are center pivots expensive?
The cost of Valley® equipment is widely misunderstood. When compared to other irrigation technologies, such as drip and solid set, the cost of center pivots is usually less, including installation and service. Plus, Valley brand equipment can last 25-35 years, depending upon care and water quality.
I have all of this existing "stuff" (i.e., concrete ditches, pipelines, pumps, sprinklers, etc.), and it has worked well over the years. Why would I want to invest in something new?
Your existing irrigation method may have served you well, but the need to conserve water and decrease dependence on traditional labor resources are forcing change, and will continue to do so. Adopting center pivot or linear irrigation may solve many of the issues facing your business. Ask your local Valley dealer if you can use any of the existing infrastructure if you convert.
What is the water savings potential?
Water savings can exceed 50%, when comparing flood to center pivot or linear irrigation, and 20-35% when comparing center pivots and linears to other sprinkler systems, such as hand line, side roll, and solid set. Using the special water application management known as Low Energy Precision Application (LEPA), center pivot or linear irrigation can stand on par with the most advanced low-volume systems.
How do I encourage my landlord to invest?
Ask him to do the math. Water savings, improved crops, and the 25-35* year life of the machine make center pivots and linears a solid investment. Along with saying goodbye to land leveling, Valley center pivots and linears significantly conserve water and help achieve more uniform yields.
*Maintenance and water quality can, and will, affect the lifespan of all equipment.
How can a center pivot or linear benefit my dairy operation?
Valley center pivots and linears effectively and uniformly manage nutrients, as well as efficiently and uniformly utilize wash water. Center pivots and linears reduce, or may even eliminate, the need for surface water discharge. Reusing the water to grow crops allows for feed production, so expenses may be reduced for alternative means of getting feed.
How long does it take a crew to install a center pivot?
It can vary. For example, a standard 4,5 kilometer, 52-hectare center pivot can be unloaded and set up* in two days by a four-man crew. Pivot pad and wiring will add some time, but, in many cases, are done at the same time as the initial installation by other workers.
*Water accessibility and pump not included.
I do not have electricity to my field, so how could I run a center pivot or linear?
The electricity required to run a center pivot or linear is fairly low, and, in most cases, can be generated with a small diesel or natural gas engine. Ask your local Valley dealer for recommendations.
We have had issues with corrosive water damaging our systems. Is there a way to protect the pipe from corrosive water?
Corrosive water has been observed in many parts of the country. If corrosive water is expected, we suggest that you send a water sample to Valley prior to any center pivot design being completed. Valley will provide a FREE water analysis and present the qualified pipe choices. Valley PolySpan® has been the choice for many growers with dairy waste and salinity issues.