What is the DropSpan?
The Valley DropSpan is an option available for both center pivots and linears that literally "drops" one or more of your machine's spans to continue irrigating around a tree line, a fence, a dairy, or other obstruction. You can easily detach the spans from the rest of the machine in less than 15 minutes without tools, gaining you extra land to irrigate in little time! Two barriers are installed by your local Valley dealer on either side of the area that you want to irrigate around. When the pivot or linear reaches the first barrier, the machine stops so that you can detach the towers with the DropSpan. Once the spans have been "dropped," the rest of the pivot or linear continues to irrigate your field. When the machine reaches the second barrier, it auto-reverses until it becomes flush with the stopped portion of the pivot or linear, which will then resume irrigating in normal fashion after the towers with the DropSpan have been reattached.