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Valley drive train conversion

Drive Train Conversion

Reduce Downtime with New Valley® Gearboxes and Center Drives


Are you tired of changing gearboxes and center drives in the middle of your growing season? Save time, reduce downtime, and prevent the hassles of digging out a stuck drive during the irrigation season by converting to reliable, durable Valley® parts.

  • One of the most economical ways to significantly improve reliability and extend the life of your center pivots
  • Almost ALL pivot brands can be converted
  • Complete and partial conversions available
  • Special drive train update packages for Valley center pivots are also available

Tired of deep wheel ruts? Choose a solution that fits your application when purchasing a new center pivot or converting to a Valley drive.

  • Reduce wheel rut depth and increase traction
  • Reduce motor load for longer life
  • Articulating drive beams follow sudden changes in field terrain
  • Designed for extreme conditions
  • Less wear and tear on harvesting equipment
  • One of the most economical ways to significantly improve reliability and extend the life of your center pivots
  • Almost ALL pivot brands can be converted
  • Complete and partial conversions available
  • Special drive train update packages for Valley center pivots also available
Drive Choice Traction
(prevents getting stuck)
(reduces wheel rut)
Rough Ground Capabilities
3-Wheel Drive
Better Good Better
Articulating 4-Wheel Drive
Best Better Best
Track Drive
Best Best Good
Articulating Track Drive
Best Best Best