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Valley Track Drive floatation solution

Valley® Track Drive

A Floatation Option for the Model 8120 Center Pivot


A stuck center pivot can have a devastating impact on your bottom line: increased energy costs; wasted water; repair expenses; pivot stress and loss of structural integrity; yield reductions; economic losses; and ultimately, frustration. The Valley® Track Drive provides you with a solution, while other brands may have left your center pivot sinking into the mud. Our Track Drive will help make sure you're spending your free time anywhere but in your field.

Center pivot series availability Model 8120
(prevents getting stuck)
Best Valley solution
(reduces wheel rut)
Best Valley solution
Rough ground capabilities Good Valley solution
Wide wheel base Provides stability on rolling hills and in windy conditions
Set of four braces on each side Provides stability when crossing deep ridges
Heavy duty base beam Provides strength to support center tires on ridges
Base beam only option Gives you a low-cost upgrade option in the future
Increased traction Helps prevent stuck drive units
Heavy-duty steel tracks Distributes weight over a wider area than tire options, minimizing ground pressure
Increased floatation Lower ground pressure, minimizes soil compaction and rut depth
Base beam only option Gives you a low-cost upgrade option in the future
Conversion packages Retrofits to existing Valley drive units
Reliable More traction helps keep your machine from getting stuck
Durable Long life with heavy duty steel tracks
Precise Lower ground pressure minimizes soil compaction and rut depth
Easy-to-use More traction keeps your center pivot running smoothly
Responsive Valley dealers — fast, dependable service